מערכת מקצועית ליועצי משכנתאות

by Smartnpv



The main emphasis in building the system is building a dynamic calculation, comprehensive, accurate and has many variables as possible in order to provide an optimally reflects the economic reality of the deal.Today our calculator broad and highly accurate and highly valued among professionals.Beyond that calculation should be broad and accurate, it is also important that the customer knew what was done and why. So we tried hard to take all the complex data and try as much as possible to reflect the same customer in the form that would allow him understanding and informed decision-making ability. In addition to mirroring is impressive and reflects the great work done behind the scenes building mortgage program.Customer management system is unique, and the only online only appropriated only mortgage counselors. Beyond managing large client we put emphasis on the efficiency of the process, portfolio monitoring, and documentation of contact with the customer through the system. All in order to have the system download the attorney the headache and help him manage the portfolio smooth and clean.